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Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 30 December 2007
ImageThe Umbrella Chronicles is not merely mindless shooting, it is a storyline that finally exposes what happens to the devious Umbrella Corporation. The predominantly first-person view of the camera takes you through the eerie locales. You will need a Wii remote to play Umbrella Chronicles because the action is auto-choreographed and pre-set for you. Point the Wii remote at your television screen and blast zombies.

The genre is like this. SEGA has House of the Dead and Capcom itself has Resident Evil - the Dead Aim. In The Umbrella Chronicles you will survive only if you kill with speed and accuracy. The camera takes dramatic 180-degree turns to showcase speedy Crimsons. It slowly peeks around corners to reveal shambling zombies to you. It takes you through the mansion in a cinematic fashion. It wobbles up and down to give you a feeling that your character is really running.

The Wii remote offers you a pixel-perfect shooting accuracy. Button A picks up items and chooses paths while button B is your trigger. Press it to shoot - that simple! Press button A to counter the attack of the hordes of zombies. The camera will pan back at this moment to reveal your character send a powerful kick their way, knocking them down. Your reticule decreases in size when you hold it over a zombie's face for a longer period. Smaller the reticule, better will be your chances to pull a single-shot head explosion.

The Umbrella Chronicles is not entirely new to those who have played through the survivor horror franchise's many offerings. It takes you back into a mansion, on board the train and into the police station before you finally get to Umbrella's stronghold. The game focuses on the point, shoot and aim feature of the Resident Evil franchise. Chris Redfield, Billy Coen, Rebecca Chambers and Carlos Oliveira are the dominant characters of this electronic game. They have different abilities and possess their own unique weapons.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 02 January 2008 )
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